martes, 16 de febrero de 2010

[AE-ES] Noticia : Unas 10.000 personas han visitado la muestra sobre Egipto de Caixa Tarragona

Ícone de exibição de Hans Ollermann

Galeria de Hans Ollermann

Deir el-Medina

2008_0610_160206AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_160206AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.

Stele of king Amenhotep I.
It shows the cult of this deified pharaoh.together with the gods Amun-Re and Meretseger on the part of Parahotep, servant at Deir el-Medina.
Dynasty XIX (1292-1186 B.C.)
Egyptian Museum, Turin.

2008_0610_160237AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_160237AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.
Stele of Wah.
The deceased is kneeling in adoration before 12 serpents, one above the other, all representations of Meretseger.
Venerated in a cave near Deir el-Medina.
Dynasty XIX (1292-1186 B.C.)
Egyptian Museum, Turin.

2008_0610_153241AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_153241AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.
Fragments of a painting from the
chapel of the scribe Amenemope.
Painted and stuccoed clay.
Deir el-Medina.
Tomb 215.
Dynasty XIX (1292-1186 B.C.)
Egyptian Museum, Turin.


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Hans Ollermann Pro User disse:

Thanks, John.
The reason for this small exposition of stelae from Deir el-Medina was my inspiration gained by the splendid new websitepages that Lanka added to her Deir el-Media chapter:

As you can see I added to my photostream also some photo's of the Archaeological Museum of Florence, that you visited so recently.
Have a nice weekend.
Postado 21 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Lenka P Pro User disse:

We inspire each other, Hans, thank you! I just have seen your new uploads - splendid! The richness of those collections is beyond all imagination. And my work can start again... :-)
Postado 21 meses atrás. ( permalink )

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Hans Ollermann Pro User disse:

Thanks Lenka.
I fear this is more or less all I have of the Deir el-Medina.
Postado 21 meses atrás. ( permalink )

2008_0610_153251AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_153251AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.
Fragments of a painting from the
chapel of the scribe Amenemope.
Painted and stuccoed clay.
Deir el-Medina.
Tomb 215.
Dynasty XIX (1292-1186 B.C.)
Egyptian Museum, Turin.

2008_0610_161112AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_161112AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.
Two wooden vases from the tomb of Lady Urny.
Painted to imitatealabaster veining.
They were found together with the funeral statuette of the Lady.
Deir el-Medina.
Dynasty XIX (1292-1186 B.C.)
Egyptian Museum, Turin.

2008_0610_161222AA Egyptian Museum, Turin

2008_0610_161222AA Egyptian Museum, Turin por Hans Ollermann.
Shabti of Khaemter Mutemujia, Taysen and Lytermuau.
Deir el-Medina.
Dynasty XVIII-XX (1550-1070 B.C).. Egyptian Museum, Turin.

Hola AE´s,

Unas 10.000 personas han visitado la muestra sobre Egipto de Caixa Tarragona

Fecha : 16-02-2010
Fuente :
Autor : EFE

Roberto Cerracin

Esta muestra, que se inauguró el pasado 11 de diciembre, expone un centenar de piezas del antiguo Egipto (algunas con una antigüedad de hasta 4.000 años antes de Cristo), fotografías del descubrimiento de la tumba de Tutankhamnon y una maqueta de la tumba del famoso faraón.

Como es habitual, se han organizado visitas guiadas gratuitas todos los sábados y, a fin de hacerlas accesibles a todos, el domingo 28 de febrero se realizará una visita con explicación en lenguaje de signos. EFE

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