lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Berenice IV de Egipto

Berenice IV de

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Berenice IV (en griego: Βερενίκη) (76 a. C. - 55 a. C.) fue una reina de la dinastía Ptolemaicatitulatura egipcia. de Egipto que gobernó de 58 a 55 a. C. No se conoce su

Era la hija de Ptolomeo XII Auletes (sobrenombre griego que significa "flautista" y que recibió del pueblo dada su preferencia a tocar la flauta antes que a los asuntos de estado) y probablemente de Cleopatra V Trifena. Hermana de Cleopatra VI Trifena, y hermana de padre de la célebre Cleopatra VII.[1]

Berenice expulsó a su padre en 58 a. C., tras los disturbios provocados por la anexión de Chipre por Roma. Junto con su madre gobernó Egipto durante un año hasta la muerte de Cleopatra Trifena, fecha en que Berenice gobernaría sola con el apoyo de los alejandrinos, que enviaron a Roma una delegación para que el Senado arbitrase en el conflicto que enfrentaba a padre e hija.

Por ser mujer, los romanos pidieron que se casara para tener a un marido como corregente, y por tanto gobernador efectivo, de Egipto. Pero ella no quiso, y los cónsules la obligaron a casarse con Seleuco Cibiosactes.[2] A los pocos días le mandó estrangular para quedar como única gobernante.

Obligada por los romanos,[1] se casó con Arquelao sumo sacerdote de Bellona en Comana, Capadocia,[3]

Su reinado terminó en el año 55 a. C., cuando su padre Ptolomeo XII regresó victorioso del exilio al frente de un ejército romano, con el apoyo del procónsul de Siria, Aulo Gabinio. Marco Antonio, el futuro rey consorte de Egipto junto a Cleopatra VII, formaba parte de ese ejército dirigiendo la caballería. Arquelao había muerto en uno de los combates contra el ejército romano,[4] y Auletes recuperó el trono ejecutando a su hija Berenice.

Notas [editar]

  1. a b Porfirio Eusebius, Chronicorum I
  2. Estrabón, 17.1.11
  3. Arquelao era un hijo de Mitrídates VI. Estrabón, por el contrario, afirma que su padre era Arquelao, general de Mitridates VI en la primera Guerra Mitridática que desertó, pasandose al bando romano.
  4. Plutarco, Antonio 3,6

Enlaces externos [editar]

Ptolomeo XII
Faraón con
Cleopatra V
Ptolomeo XII
Categorías: Nacidos en 76 a. C. | Fallecidos en 55 a. C. | Faraones | Dinastía Ptolemaica | Ejecutados

Berenice IV of

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Berenice IV (Greek: Βερενίκη), born in Alexandria, Egypt in 77 BC, died in Alexandria 55 BC, was the daughter of Ptolemy XII of Egypt and probably Cleopatra V of Egypt Tryphaena, sister of Cleopatra VI Tryphaena of Egypt, and the famous Cleopatra VII (lover of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony). Berenice loved fashion, parties, and jewels. She was quite lazy and fearful, especially of the peasants, slaves and any form of lower social class. She spoke only her native tongue, was poorly educated due to her lack of work ethic, and ignored the peasants, making her a poor leader. Despite her flaws, she was a kind and loving person towards her friends and family, and was also very beautiful.

In 58 BC, Ptolemy XII and Cleopatra VII fled to Rome in search of political and military aid against Berenice's elder sister Tryphaena, who had become far too powerful. After Tryphaena's death in 57 BC, possibly poisoned on behalf of Berenice, she at age 20 became the sole ruler of Egypt due to her father's absence, and with him and Cleopatra absent she had no worry about being overthrown or overpowered and executed.

As a lone woman ruling Egypt, she was expected to marry and have a man as a co-regent. When she did not, her consuls forced her to marry Seleucus Kybiosaktes, but she had him strangled and remained as sole ruler. The public feared the Ptolemic reign would fail to continue due to Berenice's foolishness. It is also believed she cared far too much for fashion and luxuries, leading to rising expenses. She later married Archelaus, but he was not co-regent. Archelaus had been appointed to the priesthood at Comana at Cappadocia by Pompey, and claimed to be a son of Mithridates VI. Strabo instead says his father was Archelaus, a general of Mithridates VI in the First Mithridatic War who defected to the Romans.

The reign of Berenice ended in 55 BC when her father retook the throne with the aid of the Romans led by Aulus Gabinius, and had Berenice beheaded, ordering her head to be brought to him on a tray while Cleopatra secretly watched. Archelaus, who according to Strabo had previously had a friendly relationship with Gabinius, died in battle against the forces of Gabinius.

[edit] References

Preceded by:
Ptolemy XII
Ptolemaic Queen of Egypt
with Cleopatra V
Succeeded by:
Ptolemy XII

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