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Nome (country subdivision)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A nome (from Greek: Νομός, “district”) was a subnational administrative division of ancient Egypt. Today's use of the Greek nome rather than the Egyptian term sepat came about during the Ptolemaic period. Fascinated with Egypt, Greeks created many historical records about the country. These were more accessible to later Western historians and influenced their adoption of Greek terms.
[edit] Ancient Egypt
The division of ancient Egypt into nomes can be traced back to the Predynastic Period (before 3100 BC). These nomes originally existed as autonomous city-states[citation needed], but later began to unify. According to ancient tradition, the ruler Menes completed the final unification.[1].
Not only did the division into nomes remain in place for more than three millennia, the areas of the individual nomes and their ordering remained remarkably stable. Some, like Xois in the Delta or Khent in Upper Egypt, were first mentioned on the Palermo stone, which was inscribed in the Fifth Dynasty. The names of a few, like the nome of Bubastis, appeared no earlier than the New Kingdom. Under the system that prevailed for most of pharaonic Egypt's history, the country was divided into 42 nomes.
Lower Egypt, from the Old Kingdom capital Memphis to the Mediterranean Sea, comprised 20 nomes. The first was based around Memphis, Saqqara, and Giza, in the area occupied by modern-day Cairo. The nomes were numbered in a more or less orderly fashion south to north through the Nile delta, first covering the territory on the west before continuing with the higher numbers to the east. Thus, Alexandria was in the Third Nome; Bubastis was in the Eighteenth.
Upper Egypt was divided into 22 nomes. The first of these was centered around ElephantineNubia at the First Cataract – the area of modern-day Aswan. From there the numbering progressed downriver in an orderly fashion along the narrow fertile strip of land that was the Nile valley. Waset (ancient Thebes or contemporary Luxor) was in the Fourth Nome, Amarna in the Fourteenth, and Meidum in the Twenty-first. close to Egypt's border with
[edit] Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt
Some nomes were added or renamed during the Graeco-Roman occupation of Egypt. For example, the Ptolemies renamed the Crocodilopolitan nome to Arsinoe. Hadrian created a new nome, Antinoopolites, for which Antinoopolis was the capital.
[edit] The nomarch
At the head of each nome stood a nomarch. The position of the nomarch was at times hereditary, while at others they were appointed by the pharaoh. Generally, when the national government was stronger, nomarchs were the king's appointed governors. When the central government was weaker, however – such as during foreign invasions or civil wars – individual nomes would assert themselves and establish hereditary lines of succession. Conflicts between these different hereditary nomarchies were common during, for example, the First Intermediate Period – a time that saw a breakdown in central authority lasting from the sixth and eleventh dynasties, until one of the local rulers was once again able to assert control over the entire country as pharaoh.
[edit] Survival of the nomes
The nomes survived through the Ptolemaic period, into Roman times. Under Roman rule, individual nomes minted their own coinage, the so-called "nome coins," which still reflect individual local associations and traditions. The nomes of Egypt retained their primary importance as administrative units until the fundamental rearrangement of the bureaucracy during the reigns of Diocletian and Constantine.
From AD 307/8, their place was taken by smaller units called pagi. Eventually powerful local officials arose who were called pagarchs, through whom all patronage flowed. The pagarch's essential role was as an organizer of tax-collection. Later the pagarch assumed some military functions as well. The pagarchs were often wealthy landowners who reigned over the pagi from which they originated.
[edit] List of nomes
The nomes are listed in separate tables for Upper and Lower Egypt
[edit] Lower Egypt
Number | Egyptian Name | Capital | Modern Capital | Translation |
1 | Aneb-Hetch | Ineb Hedj / Men-nefer / Menfe (Memphis) | Mit Rahina | White Walls |
2 | Khensu | Khem (Letopolis) | Ausim | Cow's thigh |
3 | Ament | Imu (Apis) | Kom el-Hisn | West |
4 | Sapi-Res | Ptkheka | Tanta | Southern shield |
5 | Sap-Meh | Zau (Sais) | Sa el-Hagar | Northern shield |
6 | Khaset | Khasu (Xois) | Sakha | Mountain bull |
7 | A-ment | (Hermopolis Parva, Metelis) | Damanhur | West harpoon |
8 | A-bt | Tjeku / Per-Atum (Heroonpolis, Pithom) | Tell al-Maskhuta | East harpoon |
9 | Ati | Djed (Busiris) | Abu Sir Bara | Andjeti |
10 | Ka-khem | Hut-hery-ib (Athribis) | Banha (Tell Atrib) | Black bull |
11 | Ka-heseb | Taremu (Leontopolis) | Tell al-Urydam | Heseb bull |
12 | Theb-ka | Tjebnutjer (Sebennytos) | Samanud | Calf and Cow |
13 | Heq-At | Iunu (Heliopolis) | Materiya (suburb of Cairo) | Prospering Sceptre |
14 | Khent-abt | Tjaru (Sile, Tanis) | Tell Abu Sefa | Eastmost |
15 | Tehut | Ba'h / Weprehwy (Hermopolis Parva) | Baqliya | Ibis |
16 | Kha | Djedet (Mendes) | Tell al-Rubˁ | Fish |
17 | Semabehdet | Semabehdet (Diospolis Inferior) | Tell el-Balamun | The throne |
18 | Am-Khent | Per-Bastet (Bubastis) | Tell Bastah (near Zagazig) | Prince of the South |
19 | Am-Pehu | Dja'net (Leontopolis Tanis) | Nebesha or San el-Hagar | Prince of the North |
20 | Sopdu | Per-Sopdu | Saft al-Henna | Plumed Falcon |
[edit] Upper Egypt
Number | Egyptian Name | Capital | Modern Capital | Translation |
1 | Ta-Seti | Abu / Yebu (Elephantine) | Aswan | Land of the bow |
2 | Thes-Hor | Djeba (Apollonopolis Magna) | Edfu | Throne of Horus |
3 | Ten | Nekhen (Hierakonpolis) | al-Kab | Shrine |
4 | Waset | Niwt-rst / Waset (Thebes) | Karnak | Sceptre |
5 | Herui | Gebtu (Coptos) | Qift | The two falcons |
6 | Aa-ta | Lunet / Tantere (Tentyra) | Dendera | The crocodile |
7 | Seshesh | Seshesh (Diospolis Parva) | Hu | Sistrum |
8 | Abdju | Abdju (Abydos) | al-Birba | Great land |
9 | Min | Apu / Khen-min (Panopolis) | Akhmim | Min |
10 | Wadkhet | Djew-qa (Aphroditopolis) | Ifteh | Cobra |
11 | Set | Shashotep (Hypselis) | Shutb | The creature associated with Set |
12 | Tu-ph | Hut-Sekhem-Senusret (Antaeopolis) | Qaw al-Kebir | Viper mountain |
13 | Atef-Khent | Zawty (z3wj-tj, Lycopolis) | Asyut | Upper Sycamore and Viper |
14 | Atef-Pehu | Qesy (Cusae) | al-Qusiya | Lower Sycamore and Viper |
15 | Un | Khemenu (Hermopolis Magna) | al-Ashmunayn | Hare |
16 | Meh-Mahetch | Hebenu | Kom el Ahmar | Oryx |
17 | Anpu | Saka (Cynopolis) | al-Kais | Anubis |
18 | Sep | Teudjoi / Hutnesut (Alabastronopolis) | el-Hiba | Set |
19 | Uab | Per-Medjed (Oxyrhynchus) | el-Bahnasa | Two Sceptres |
20 | Atef-Khent | Henen-nesut (Herakleopolis Magna) | Ihnasiyyah al-Madinah | Southern Sycamore |
21 | Atef-Pehu | Shenakhen / Semenuhor (Crocodilopolis, Arsinoe) | Madinat al-Fayyum | Northern Sycamore |
22 | Maten | Tepihu (Aphroditopolis) | Atfih | Knife |
[edit] Notes
- ^ Herodotus, Euterpe, 2.4.1 and 2.99.1ff.
[edit] References
- Alan K. Bowman (1990). Egypt After the Pharaohs. Oxford University Press.
[edit] External links
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Nomo se denomina a cada una de las subdivisiones territoriales del antiguo Egipto. Este nombre es de origen griego; la palabra egipcia era hesp o sepat, que designaba la superficie cultivable de los territorios.
El origen de los nomos [editar]
Los pobladores prehistóricos de Egipto se establecieron inicialmente en el valle del Nilo, donde constituyeron comunidades, principalmente agrícolas, gracias a lo cual consiguieron beneficiarse de las periódicas inundaciones del río, crear un sistema de canales de riego y seleccionar especies vegetales, entre otros logros.
De esta forma, los pobladores pierden la organización tribal y se agrupan en nomos que eran zonas de influencia dentro de las cuales convivían varias comunidades.
Los nomarcas [editar]
La administración provincial estaba basada en la figura del nomarca "el que abre los canales", que era responsable de la irrigación, del rendimiento agrícola, recaudar impuestos y fijar los límites de las propiedades después de la inundación anual. Al mando de cada nomo se eregía un nomarca, un cargo designado por el faraón, que en algunas épocas fue hereditario.
Cuando el poder del faraón era más fuerte, los nomarcas eran designados por este como gobernadores. Si el poder central era débil, como en épocas de invasiones extranjeras o guerras civiles, los nomarcas reafirmaban su poder, llegando algunos a establecer linajes hereditarios. Los conflictos entre el faraón y los nomarcas hereditarios fueron comunes durante los denominados períodos intermedios, hasta que uno de los gobernantes locales era capaz de afianzar el control sobre todo el país y erigirse faraón.
El final de los nomos [editar]
La división territorial en nomos perduró hasta el periodo Ptolemaico y principios de la época de dominación Romana. Bajo los gobernantes romanos los nomos acuñaron su propia moneda, llamadas "monedas de los nomos," que reflejaba todavía las tradiciones locales. Los nomos de Egipto gozaron de importancia como principales unidades administrativas hasta las reformas de la época de Diocleciano y Constantino.
El número de nomos [editar]
El número de los nomos varió entre 37 y 47, según Plinio el Viejo, escritor del siglo I. En época de Estrabón, que visitó Egipto c. 25 a. C., Egipto estaba dividido en 37 nomos, 10 en el Delta, 17 en Egipto Medio y otros 10 en el Alto Egipto.
Nomos del Alto Egipto [editar]
Nº | Nombre Deidad | Traducción | Capital Otras ciudades | En griego | En árabe | Jeroglífico | |||||
I | Ta Sety Horus | La Tierra del arquero Kush (Nubia) | Abu Sunet Nubyt | Elefantina Siena Ombos | Geziret Asuán Kom Ombo |
| |||||
II | Tas Heru Horus Behedet | La sede de Horus | Dyeba | Apolinópolis M. | Edfu |
| |||||
III | Nejen Nejbet Horus | El Rural | Nejen Nejbet Iunet | Hieracómpolis Eleitiáspolis Latópolis | Kom el-Ahman El Kab Esna |
| |||||
IV | Uaset Montu | El Cetro | Uaset Iuny Per-Hathor Dyerty Madu | Tebas Hermontis Patyris Tufion - | Luxor-Karnak Armant Gebelein Tod Medamud |
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V | Heruy Min | Los dos Halcones | Gebtyu Nubt Gis | Coptos Ombos Apolinópolis P. | Qift Naqada Qus |
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VI | Meseh Hathor | El Cocodrilo | Iunet | Tentyris | Dendera |
| |||||
VII | Seshesh Bat | El Sistro | Hut-Sejen | Dióspolis Parva | Hu |
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VIII | Taur Jentamentiu | La Gran Tierra | Abdyu Cheni | Abidos Tinis | El Arabah Girga (?) |
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IX | Menu Min | Min | Jent-Min | Panópolis | Ajmim |
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X | Uadyet Bau | La Cobra | Dyeu-qa Tyebu | Afroditópolis Antaeópolis | Ifteh Qau el-Kabir |
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XI | Sety Seth Horus | Seth | Shashotep | Apoteke | Shutb |
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XII | Dyuef Matyt | La Víbora del monte | Per-Nemty | Híeracon | El Ataula |
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XIII | Naretefjent Upuaut | Árbol Sagrado de la víbora del Sur | Saut | Licópolis | Asiut |
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XIV | Naretefpeh Hathor | Árbol Sagrado de la víbora del Norte | Qesy | Cusae | El Qusiya |
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XV | Un Bes | La Liebre | Jemenu | Hermópolis Magna | Ashmunein |
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XVI | Meh Mahedy Horus | El Orix | Hebenu Tadehnet | Teodosiópolis Acoris | Beni Hassan Tihna el-Jebel |
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XVII | Anpu Anubis | El Can negro | Saka | Cinópolis | El Qes (?) |
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XVIII | Nemty Nemty | El Halcón volador | Hutnesut | Hipponos | Sharuna |
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XIX | Uabuy Igay | Los dos Cetros | Per-Medyed | Oxirrinco | Bahnasa |
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XX | Naretjent | Árbol Sagrado del Sur | Henen Nesut | Heracleópolis Magna | Ihnasiya |
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XXI | Naretpeh Jnum | Árbol Sagrado del Norte | Shenajen | Cocodrilópolis, Arsínoe | Medinet el-Fayum |
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XXII | Demt Neit | Los Cuchillos (Raspadores) | Tepihu | Afroditópolis | Atfih |
Nombre de los nomos del Alto Egipto grabados en la capilla de Sesostris I, en el recinto de Karnak.
Nomos del Bajo Egipto [editar]
Nº | Nombre Deidad | Traducción | Capital Otras ciudades | En griego | En árabe | Jeroglífico | |||||||||
I | Ineb Hedy Horus | Muro blanco | Mennefer | Menfis | Mit Rahina |
| |||||||||
II | Jensu Jentyjem | El Muslo | Jem | Letópolis | Ausim |
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III | Amenty Hapy | Occidente | Imu | Apis | Kom el-Hisn |
| |||||||||
IV | Neit Resu Sobek | Neit del Sur | Petjeka | Naucratis | Kom el-Gi'eif |
| |||||||||
V | Neit Mehet Sau | Neit del Norte | Sau | Sais | Sa el-Hagar |
| |||||||||
VI | Ka Dyu | Toro montañés | Jasu Pe y Dep | Xois Buto | Saja Tell el-Farain |
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VII | Ua Amenty | Arpón occidental | Per-Haneb-Amenty | Metelis | Damanhur |
| |||||||||
VIII | Ua Abety | Arpón oriental | Per Atum (1) | Heroónpolis | Tell el-Masjuta |
| |||||||||
IX | Andyety Osiris | El protector | Per Usir, Dyedu | Busiris | Abu Sir Bana |
| |||||||||
X | Ka Kem | Toro negro | Hut Her ib | Atribis | Tell Atrib |
| |||||||||
XI | Ka Heseb | Toro censado | Taremu | Leontópolis | Tell el-Muqdam |
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XII | Ka Iu | Ternero divino | Tyeb en Necher Per hebyt | Sebennitos - | Samanud Behbeit |
| |||||||||
XIII | Heqat Isis, Bast | Cetro próspero | Iunu Jeraha | Heliópolis Babylon | Matariya El Cairo (?) |
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XIV | Jenty Abet Horus | Nomo oriental | Tyaru | Sile | Tell Abu Seifa |
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XV | Dyehuty Dyehuty | El Ibis (Dyehuty) | Baj, Ueprehuy (?) | Hermópolis Parva | Baqliya |
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XVI | Hat Mehyt | El Delfín | Dyedet | Mendes | Tell el-Ruba |
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XVII | Sema Behedet | El Trono "Behedet les une" | Semabehdet | Dióspolis Inferior | Tell el-Balamun |
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XVIII | Am Jent Isis, Bast | El Príncipe del Sur | Per-Bastet, Bast | Bubastis | Tell Basta, Zagazig |
| |||||||||
XIX | Am Pehu | El Príncipe del Norte | Dyanet Imet | Tanis - | San el-Hagar Nebesha |
| |||||||||
XX | Seped | El Halcón emplumado | Shedet, Per-Sobek Per-Sopdu | Cocodrilópolis, Arsínoe - | Medinet el-Fayum Saft el-Henna |
- (1) (La bíblica Pitom).
Nombre de los nomos del Bajo Egipto grabados en la capilla de Sesostris I, en el recinto de Karnak.
Nomos del Bajo Egipto. | |||
Referencias [editar]
Enlaces externos [editar]
- Nomos del Antiguo Egipto
- Nomos del Antiguo Egipto
- Mapa de los Nomos del Antiguo Egipto
- Nomos de Egipto (en inglés)
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- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO I - jueves 12 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO II - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO III - lunes 16 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO IV - martes 17 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO V - miércoles 18 de enero de 2012
- EL MARAVILLOSO EGIPTO VI - sábado 21 de enero de 2012
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La Bíblia
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- El Mundo Bíblico 3 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 4 - sábado 14 de enero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 5 - martes 21 de febrero de 2012
- El Mundo Bíblico 6 - miércoles 22 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia I - lunes 20 de febrero de 2012
- La Bíblia II - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia III - martes 10 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia IV - miércoles 11 de enero de 2012
- La Biblia V - sábado 31 de diciembre de 2011
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Antiguedad | Faraones (1) (1158)SC • Faraones (2) (1407)SC • Dinastía (1408)SC • Egyptian pantheon o Dioses egipcios (4922)JC |
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