jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

[AE-ES] Noticia : Una pieza de un templo de Isis emerge de las aguas de Alejandría

Cargado el 3 de julio, 2007
por Hans Ollermann


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Beware ! The Egyptian Museum in Cairo has decided to ban camera's . Not so the good old British Museum, where visitors receive a warm welcome by enjoying the freedom of taking pictures. Here you see some pictures that I recently made of the Nebamon exposition in the British Museum, London.

Nebamun was an Egyptian "scribe and counter of grain" during the New Kingdom. His tomb in Thebes, the location of which is now lost, featured the famous Pond in a Garden false fresco painting.

Nebamun's name is translated as "My Lord is Amun" and he is thought to have lived c. 1500 bc. The paintings were hacked from the tomb wall and purchased by a British collector who in turn sold them to the British Museum in 1821. The collector died in poverty without ever revealing the source location of the paintings. The depictions are highly symbolic and thematically related to a joyful afterlife.

In 2009 the British Museum opened up a new gallery dedicated to the display of the restored eleven wall fragments from Nebamun's tomb, described as one of the Museum's greatest treasures. (Source: Wikipedia EncyclopediA)

See also my list of best and worst museums in the world:
And here you find my list of best and worst museums in Holland:

Hola AE´s,

Una pieza de un templo de Isis emerge de las aguas de Alejandría

Fecha : 17-12-2009
Fuente : EPA
Autor : EFE

Roberto Cerracin

Una pieza de un templo de Isis emerge de las aguas de Alejandría


Alejandría (Egipto), 17 dic (EFE).- Parte de un pilón del templo ptolemaico de Isis fue extraído hoy de las aguas de la bahía de Alejandría, que han guardado durante siglos esta pieza, destinada a convertirse en la principal de un futuro museo submarino.

Aunque el tiempo no acompañaba y a las amenazas de lluvia se unió el viento y un cierto oleaje, nada impidió que se llevará a cabo la recuperación de la pieza de la época ptolemaica (325 a.C.-30 a.C.), que despertó una gran expectación entre los numerosos periodistas egipcios congregados y algunos curiosos.

Con la ayuda de una grúa y un buzo, el fragmento del pilón de granito rojo, con una altura de 2,25 metros y un peso de nueve toneladas, emergió del mar, frente a la fortaleza alejandrina de Qaitbey.

"Este es el inicio de la extracción de otras piezas del fondo del mar", aseguró el secretario general del Consejo Supremo de Antigüedades egipcias, Zahi Hawas, a los periodistas.

El fragmento recuperado hoy será, además, el objeto principal de un museo submarino proyectado en el puerto de Alejandría, explicó el arqueólogo egipcio, que no ofreció más detalles sobre esta iniciativa, que todavía está en fase de estudio.

Entretanto, el hallazgo, procedente del templo de Isis, diosa de la maternidad y del nacimiento en el Egipto Antiguo, será conservado en el anfiteatro romano de Alejandría.

El pilón al que pertenece la pieza fue descubierto hace siete años en el área submarina denominada "Zona Real", donde se encuentra también el palacio de Cleopatra, última gobernante de la dinastía ptolemaica, fundada en el año 305 a.C. por Ptolomeo I Sóter, general de Alejandro Magno.

La bahía de Alejandría esconde aún muchos secretos, ya que el geógrafo griego Estrabón documentó en el 450 a.C. la existencia de 35 ciudades en este área.

En ese sentido, el ministro de Cultura egipcio, Faruk Hosni, explicó que solo han recuperado "un dos por ciento de todo lo que hay sumergido", porque todavía quedan cientos de piezas bajo el agua.

Hosni, que destacó la importancia del descubrimiento de hoy, agregó que todavía continúan las investigaciones y que "el resto del templo de Isis también será sacado del mar".

Por su parte, Hawas adelantó que está prevista la extracción de una de las piezas del palacio de Cleopatra el próximo mes de mayo, sin especificar más.

Sobre el proceso de extracción de antigüedades submarinas, el jefe de la misión arqueológica griega que descubrió el pilón, Harry Tzales, señaló a Efe que se trata de una tarea delicada, porque al estar sumergidos se encuentran en un ambiente favorable para su conservación, algo que no ocurre en la superficie.

Tzales subrayó que el trozo de pilón recuperado hoy es "una pieza histórica que lleva más de 2.000 años bajo el agua, y ahora hay que protegerla".

Este nuevo descubrimiento "muestra la posición del templo de Isis y es una prueba de sincretismo y de la mezcla del estilo griego y faraónico", apuntó el arqueólogo.

"Los ptolomeos eran una dinastía griega que usaban la arquitectura faraónica", como demuestra la construcción de un pilón típico del arte de los faraones, afirmó Tzales, para quien hay que desterrar la idea de que "Alejandría era en su totalidad una ciudad griega".

© EFE 2009. Está expresamente prohibida la redistribución y la redifusión de todo o parte de los contenidos de los servicios de Efe, sin previo y expreso consentimiento de la Agencia EFE S.A.

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[Amanuense] Noticia: "Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city"

Cargado el 3 de julio, 2007
por Hans Ollermann


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Image74 por Hans Ollermann.


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Beware ! The Egyptian Museum in Cairo has decided to ban camera's . Not so the good old British Museum, where visitors receive a warm welcome by enjoying the freedom of taking pictures. Here you see some pictures that I recently made of the Nebamon exposition in the British Museum, London.

Nebamun was an Egyptian "scribe and counter of grain" during the New Kingdom. His tomb in Thebes, the location of which is now lost, featured the famous Pond in a Garden false fresco painting.

Nebamun's name is translated as "My Lord is Amun" and he is thought to have lived c. 1500 bc. The paintings were hacked from the tomb wall and purchased by a British collector who in turn sold them to the British Museum in 1821. The collector died in poverty without ever revealing the source location of the paintings. The depictions are highly symbolic and thematically related to a joyful afterlife.

In 2009 the British Museum opened up a new gallery dedicated to the display of the restored eleven wall fragments from Nebamun's tomb, described as one of the Museum's greatest treasures. (Source: Wikipedia EncyclopediA)

See also my list of best and worst museums in the world:
And here you find my list of best and worst museums in Holland:

Hola a todos:

Noticia: "Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city" (con 7 fotografías):

A sunken red granite tower, part of a pylon of the Isis temple is loaded on a truck after being extracted out of the Mediterranean Sea off the archaeological eastern harbor of Alexandria, Egypt Thursday, Dec. 17, 2009.Egyptian archeologists have lifted a major artifact out of the Mediterranean Sea in an elaborate effort to highlight ancient treasures buried under water off the harbor in Alexandria. It is intended to be the centerpiece of a planned underwater museum Egypt hopes will draw tourists to its northern coast, often overshadowed by hotspots such as Luxor, the Giza pyramids and Red Sea beaches. (AP Photo/Nasser Nasser)

José Luis Toledo


Monument Lifted From Cleopatra's Underwater City

KATARINA KRATOVAC | 12/17/09 09:39 PM | AP

Cleopatra Monument

ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — Archaeologists on Thursday hoisted a 9-ton temple pylon from the waters of the Mediterranean that was part of the palace complex of the fabled Cleopatra before it became submerged for centuries in the harbor of Alexandria.

The pylon, which once stood at the entrance to a temple of Isis, is to be the centerpiece of an ambitious underwater museum planned by Egypt to showcase the sunken city, believed to have been toppled into the sea by earthquakes in the 4th century.

Divers and underwater archaeologists used a giant crane and ropes to lift the 9-ton, 7.4-foot-tall pylon, covered with muck and seaweed, out of the murky waters. It was deposited ashore as Egypt's top archaeologist, Zahi Hawass, and other officials watched.

The pylon was part of a sprawling palace from which the Ptolemaic dynasty ruled Egypt and where 1st Century B.C. Queen Cleopatra wooed the Roman general Marc Antony before they both committed suicide after their defeat by Augustus Caesar.

The temple dedicated to Isis, a pharaonic goddess of fertility and magic, is at least 2,050 years old, but archaeologists believe it's likely much older. The pylon was cut from a single slab of red granite quarried in Aswan, some 700 miles (more than 1,100 kilometers) to the south, officials said.

"The cult of Isis was so powerful, it's no wonder Cleopatra chose to make her living quarters next to the temple," said coastal geoarchaeologist Jean-Daniel Stanley of the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.

Egyptian authorities hope that eventually the pylon will become a part of the underwater museum, an ambitious attempt to draw tourists to the country's northern coast, often overshadowed by the grand pharaonic temples of Luxor in the south, the Giza pyramids outside Cairo and the beaches of the Red Sea.

They are hoping the allure of Alexandria, founded in 331 B.C. by Alexander the Great, can also be a draw.

Cleopatra's palace and other buildings and monuments now lie strewn on the seabed in the harbor of Alexandria, the second largest city of Egypt. Since 1994, archaeologists have been exploring the ruins, one of the richest underwater excavations in the Mediterranean, with some 6,000 artifacts. Another 20,000 objects are scattered off other parts of Alexandria's coast, said Ibrahim Darwish, head of the city's underwater archaeology department.

In recent years, excavators have discovered dozens of sphinxes in the harbor, along with pieces of what is believed to be the Alexandria Lighthouse, or Pharos, which was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The pylon is the first major artifact extracted from the harbor since 2002, when authorities banned further removal of major artifacts from the sea for fear it would damage them.

"The tower is unique among Alexandria's antiquities. We believe it was part of the complex surrounding Cleopatra's palace," Hawass said, as the crane gently placed the pylon on the harbor bank. "This is an important part of Alexandria's history and it brings us closer to knowing more about the ancient city."

Hawass has already launched another high-profile dig connected to Cleopatra. In April, he said he hopes to find the long-lost tomb of Antony and Cleopatra – and that he believes it may be inside a temple of Osiris located about 30 miles (50 kilometers)west of Alexandria.

The pylon extracted Thursday was discovered by a Greek expedition in 1998. Retrieving it was a laborious process: For weeks, divers cleaned it of mud and scum, then they dragged it across the sea floor for three days to bring it closer to the harbor's edge for Thursday's extraction.

A truck stood by to ferry the pylon to a freshwater tank, where it will lie for six months until all the salt, which acts as a preservative underwater but damages it once exposed, is dissolved.

Still in its planning stages, the underwater museum would allow visitors to walk through underwater tunnels for close-up views of sunken artifacts, and it may even include a submarine on rails.

A collaboration between Egypt and UNESCO, the museum would cost at least $140 million, said Darwish. The above-water section would feature sail-shaped structures that would complement the architecture of the harbor and have the city's corniche seabank in the backdrop, with the splendid Alexandria Library on the other end of the bay, Darwish said.

"To me, the greatest draw would be that visitors would be able to see these amazing objects in their natural surrounding, not out of context on some museum shelf," said Stanley, who has carried out excavations around Alexandria but is not involved in the underwater dig.

Speaking to The Associated Press by phone from Washington, Stanley cautioned that the dangers to such a museum would be twofold – from storms, which in wintertime have been known to sink ships in Alexandria's harbor, and from earthquakes.

Egypt and UNESCO are still studying the feasibility of building such an underwater museum. No one knows where the money would come from, but there is hope construction could start as early as late 2010.

"If the study shows it's possible, this could become a magical place, both above and underwater," Hawass said. "If you can smell the sea here, you can smell the history."

Darwish, one of seven Egyptian archaeologists who are also qualified divers, said the country has had to rely on foreign expertise, mostly French and Greek, for diving archaeology expeditions around Alexandria. That will change, he says, as the Alexandria university educates more underwater archaeologists.

A temporary downtown museum will house the Isis pylon extracted Thursday and some 200 other objects removed from the sea here in the last decade.


  1. Monument Lifted From Cleopatra's Underwater City : NPR

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    17 Dec 2009 ... Monument Lifted From Cleopatra's Underwater City. by The Associated Press. 7_Mideast_Egypt_Sunken_Treasures.sff.jpg ...
    www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121553687 -
  2. Monument Lifted From Cleopatra's Underwater City

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    17 Dec 2009 ... ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — Archaeologists on Thursday hoisted a 9-ton temple pylon from the waters of the Mediterranean that was part of the palace ...
    www.huffingtonpost.com/.../monument-lifted-from-cleo_n_395548.html - En caché -
  3. Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city (AP) - Yahoo ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city (AP) · Yahoo! News - Submitted: Dec 17, 2009. AP - Archaeologists on Thursday hoisted a 9-ton temple pylon ...
    buzz.yahoo.com/.../Monument-lifted-from-Cleopatras-underwater-city-AP - Estados Unidos - En caché -
  4. Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    12 Jan 2010 ... December 17, 2009 By KATARINA KRATOVAC , Associated Press Writer Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city (AP) ...
    www.physorg.com/news180291107.html - En caché -
  5. Artdaily.org - The First Art Newspaper on the Net

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Monument Lifted from Cleopatra's Underwater City in the Mediterranean Sea. A sunken red granite tower, part of a pylon of the Isis temple is extracted out ...
    www.artdaily.org/index.asp?int_sec=2&int_new... - En caché -
  6. Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city - Yahoo! News - Mixx

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    Egyptian archaeologists on Thursday lifted an ancient granite temple pylon out of the waters of the Mediterranean, where it had lain for centuries as part ...
    www.mixx.com/.../monument_lifted_from_cleopatra_s_underwater_city_yahoo_news - En caché -
  7. Monument lifted from Cleopatra's underwater city - World - GMANews ...

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    17 Dec 2009 ... ALEXANDRIA, Egypt – Egyptian archaeologists on Thursday lifted an ancient granite temple pylon out of the waters of the Mediterranean, ...
    www.gmanews.tv/.../monument-lifted-from-cleopatras-underwater-city - En caché -
  8. Monument Lifted From Cleopatra's Underwater City - ABC News

    - [ Traducir esta página ]
    17 Dec 2009 ... Cleopatra's palace and other buildings and monuments now lie strewn on the seabed in the harbor of Alexandria, the second largest city of ...
    abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=9360929 -

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Egyptologist)

This is a partial list of Egyptologists. An Egyptologist is any archaeologist, historian, linguist, or art historian who specializes in Egyptology, the scientific study of Ancient Egyptantiquities. Demotists are Egyptologists who specialize in the study of the DemoticAncient Egypt and Egyptian antiquities is an "Egyptologist", the field of Egyptology is not exclusive to such practitioners. and its language and field of Demotic Studies. Although a practitioner of the disciplined study of


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Categories: Lists of people by occupation | Egyptologists

Egiptólogo - EspañolOneRiotYahooAmazonTwitterdel.icio.us

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

Un egiptólogo es un especialista en la historia y la arqueología del Antiguo Egipto, desde los orígenes más remotos hasta el fin de la época ptolemaica, en el siglo I a. C.

El conocimiento fidedigno de la historia del antiguo Egipto es muy reciente. Hace tan solo dos siglos lo que se conocía de los orígenes de la civilización egipcia provenía de relatos de los historiadores y viajeros griegos y romanos que, sin mucho espíritu crítico, recogieron aquello que los egipcios de su época les narraban.

El descifrado de la "Piedra de Rosetta", grabada en dos lenguas, griega y egipcia, y en tres escrituras, griega, demótica y jeroglífica, de un decreto de Ptolomeo V fechado en 196 a. C., fue el comienzo de la lectura de los jeroglíficos. Jean-François Champollion, partiendo de una copia de esta inscripción es el primero en descifrarlos, editando posteriormente un diccionario y una gramática egipcia. Es el inicio de la moderna egiptología.

En las principales universidades del mundo hay cátedras de esta disciplina donde los investigadores se forman y gradúan para luego dedicarse a la arqueología egipcia in situ, aportando nueva información sobre el terreno, o procesando en su gabinete lo que otros han excavado y con ello enriquecer nuestro conocimiento; también dedicándose a la docencia para formar egiptólogos o como directores o conservadores de instituciones o museos donde se custodian objetos de esta antigua civilización.


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